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Writer's picturePrajwal KR

5 Tiny ways that can help you write better

Everyone is a writer; some write blogs, and others write novels. Texting a friend is writing, too; Levelling up your writing skills takes time and constant effort, so here are a few tiny changes you could adopt to polish your writing.

Treat text messages like poetry

Check your text for spelling, content, and grammar before sending it. Consider the following question: What am I seeking to communicate? What exactly am I trying to say? Make your most typical type of informal writing more thoughtful, and you’ll become more deliberate in other media as well.

Dance with Punctuation

Experiment with punctuation: periods, commas, dashes, colons, and semicolons to add variety, velocity, and drama to your writing. Tension is communicated through short, concise words. On the other hand, longer, run-on sentences aid in developing a frenzied, rushed rhythm—a sense that the tempo is quickening as the words spill onto the page.

Check on yourself

Writing should be enjoyable, and one of the most rewarding aspects of being a writer is seeing how far you’ve grown. Re-read your older work every now and again and marvel at how much better you are today than you were before. Give yourself a pat on the back. You’ve put in a lot of effort, so don’t be hesitant about congratulating yourself.

Avoid writing that’s too familiar

Nobody wants to read the same lines over and over; readers demand curiosity and novelty. This is why clichés may be an issue because words like “catch you later” and “labour of love” have been overused to the point where they lose their meaning and undermine your work.

Don’t just read, proofread everything

Proofreading other people’s work is an efficient method to enhance your writing abilities. You’ll see frequent grammar errors, various sentence patterns, new vocabulary, and word placement that you would overlook in your own work. It’s all about gaining a new perspective on how language is utilized in various situations.


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