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Writer's pictureVaishnavi Parameswaran

How to embrace failure?

We, humans, fear the word failure! We dread it so much that it terrorizes us when we encounter someone talking about it. We often hear people say failure is not all bad, and to become successful, you need to fail. There is no road to success without failure. While all of this is true, we all just wish that we never are the victims of it. We want to be okay with it and magically accept it. It is more easily said than done in such cases.

You are not the only one battling failure; many people are, so don't think you are alone.

What is failure?

Failure is a state of not meeting a desirable or intended objective and is viewed as the opposite of success. Every person has to fail to achieve what they wish for. Failure is not all bad. It helps us put things into perspective we never would've thought of. How will anyone know if the decision they have made is the right one or not? Failure is unavoidable because to succeed, one must fail.

What happens when one encounters failure?

It is not easy to come to terms with failure. It takes a lot of patience, understanding, and learning to help ourselves overcome failure. Some people deal with it easily, while others struggle to do so.

When you fail, you feel embarrassed, anxious, stressed, sad, uncomfortable, shameful, and angered. It is normal to feel so, and you are not alone in all of this.

When you find yourself questioning how the other person has not failed while doing the same thing as you, you must know they might have failed at different stages. Some people fail in the beginning, and some fail in the end. Failure encourages trial and error methods and tries to make things better.

Ways to deal with failure.

Let's say you have hit the rock bottom and you have tried all ways possible to get yourself out of it and yet have failed. It is alright. It is not the end of the world; all you need is a fresh perspective and some time. Here are a few tips which can help you deal with failure better and embrace it in the process:

Accepting that you have failed is the first step to overcoming it. Take your time and acknowledge the fact and process it. Tell yourself it is okay that I have failed. I will learn from it, do better next time, and put things in perspective. Ignoring the fact will not help you in any way.

Don't let failure terrorize you

If you are always worried about failing, it will occupy your whole mind to a point where you might feel you will never succeed again. You will never be able to achieve your potential to the fullest. This negative thinking will not let you succeed.

Keep a positive mind

It is very difficult to focus on the positives when you have encountered failure, but it is important. This will help you focus on what steps need to be taken further and the ways that can help you overcome the negative thoughts of failure.

It's not all bad- We hear this often when we have failed. People say it is okay, it's not all bad, and they are right. Not everything in the world is perfect, and hence it is important to know that failure can only help you make things better. It will help you retrace your steps and identify the error. For example, when a student fails an exam, it will make them work harder and smart for the next one.

Keeping your mind and body healthy

It is important to eat healthy in such times as it helps function your mind and body. Meeting loved ones, going for a walk, spending some time alone with self, and pampering self can help keep health in check. These habits might even let you think differently and could become a way of coping and help you achieve success.

Say no to bad habits

While there are other ways to forget or numb the pain, the common method known to man is to turn to alcohol and drugs. This ultimately leads to addiction which does no good to them. Heal healthily and try avoiding these habits.

Be responsible- Take charge of your actions. Don't beat yourself up about it but know what could have been done better and what needs to be done further to rectify it. Efforts matter more.

Inspire yourself

This is the stage you need more motivation. Do activities read books that make you feel motivated and lighten your mood? When you are in a good mood, you can think of various approaches to deal with failure. You can also read small stories of other people and take inspiration from them. Many have failed before you, and it is not the end.

Analyse yourself

This is the right time to perform a self-analysis. Identify your strengths and weakness and understand what skills you lack. Ask yourself what the mistakes were and what areas required work. Once this is done, you will get a clearer picture, and you will be able to overcome the barriers of failure and succeed.

Don't be disheartened, and don't give up. We preach to everyone to be strong and tell them how they can overcome their failures; this one-time let's do that for ourselves and embrace failure! Your story of failure and comeback might inspire someone tomorrow, so never lose hope!


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