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Writer's pictureVaishnavi Parameswaran

How to generate blog ideas and titles

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If you are an author, I am sure you have trickled into running out of blog ideas and have tried various methods to develop ideas and titles to start a blog. Trust me, it is not an easy task. Choosing a title is as crucial as our blog itself. When you find yourself out of topics or ideas, the internet is the best place to look for them. is bringing you a list of tools that can be used to generate blog ideas and titles.

What is the blog idea and title?

Before I tell you what a blog idea or title means, let me tell you the exact meaning of a blog. Blogs are informally or conversationally written articles. A person shares their views regarding a topic or writes out of passion. It is usually made available online for the other readers to read and form their opinion regarding the case or to gain insight into the blogger’s experience.

In their simplest form, blog ideas are topics or areas of interest that the author wants to write on. Titles are like names given to the blog, allowing the reader to understand what the blog revolves around.

The tools you can use to generate blog ideas and titles

There are 5 free tools that you can use to generate blog ideas and titles. These tools are available as free and paid versions. The paid versions have additional features to offer compared to the free ones.

So, let’s get started and explore them in detail one by one.

It is a renowned website with various tools. The special feature that HubSpot offers is that it lets the user add 5 different kinds of a noun (topics) and combines them. At the same time, it generates a blog title or idea. Follow the steps below to know how to use make the best use of the website.

  • ·The home page of the tool contains a search bar where you can enter a word of your choice to get ideas.

  • Please remember to use nouns only in the search bar.

  • Then click on give me blog ideas and the page will redirect itself.

  • Once the page loads you will be able to view a set of 5 blog ideas. Please know that the ideas present there is of the free version.

  • You can view different blog ideas for the nouns you have entered by clicking on the side arrow icons.

It is one of the simplest tools to use. The special feature this tool offers is that it allows the user to copy, tweet, or search the title in Google. This added feature allows you to explore what kind of content exists on the internet and what are the different approaches you can take on them. Follow the steps below to know how to use make the best use of the website.

  • The home page of the tool consists of a search bar just like HubSpot, where you can enter a word of your choice to get ideas.

  • Once you have entered the word of your choice, click on give me an idea!

  • This website generates one blog title at a time.

  • You are free to choose to copy, tweet, or search the title in Google.

  • If you don’t like the title, click on the refresh button that appears within the dialogue box and a new title will be generated.

  • There is no limit to the number of times you can use this feature to generate new title which you can choose to write on.

This tool is powered by WordPress a renowned website that allows you to build your own website and blogs. The special feature this tool holds is that it allows you to categorize your word which enhances the idea generation. This tool generates over 1000 titles for each word you type in. If you are using this tool for free then please keep in mind that you can use the website only 5 times in a day. Follow the steps below to know how to use make the best use of the website.

  • The home page of the tool contains a search bar where you can enter a word of your choice.

  • On the right-hand side of the same page, you will find a drop-down box. This box allows you to categorize your word into generic, brand/product, event, and many more.

  • You can change the category of the word anytime you like.

  • Once this is done click on generate titles.

  • The page will redirect you and show you 9 titles out of the total number of titles it has generated at one go.

  • If you don’t like any of the titles mentioned there click on generate more titles and the next set of 9 titles will appear to you.

This is a simple tool to use while it holds some special features. The special feature is that the title that the tool provides is segmented and when you click on the underline of the title a dialogue box appears where one part of the title is underlined and a tip to improve that part of the title is also provided to you. Follow the steps below to know how to use make the best use of the website.

  • ·The home page of the tool contains a search bar where you can enter a word of your choice.

  • Then click on generate idea and the page will redirect you to a page with title in it.

  • There are different buttons you can click on to shuffle between titles, or save the idea by marking it your favourite, share the idea via tweeting, or even change the subject of your idea.

  • You can also click on the underlined word for suggestions on how to improve the title.

This is one of the most advanced tools for generating blog ideas and titles. Content row has varied range of tools and here we will explore the tool headline generator. There are many features that the tool offers. These generate headlines which are apt for YouTube, blog titles and also act as a curious title which leads people to click on it. The titles that are generated with the help of this tool have scores for each of them on the left-hand side of the page. The higher the score the better the title is. As amazing as this tool is the paid version of the tool provides you with more features. There is an option to filter by categories and score which is a feature available for a paid version of the tool. The paid version of this tool also provides you with alternatives to the words you have chosen. If you have a headline with low score, it will also give you suggestions as to what can be improved in order to make it better. Follow the steps below to know how to use make the best use of the website.

  • The home page of the tool will contain a search bar where you can enter a word of your choice and click on get headlines.

  • The page will redirect itself and show you a list of headlines the tool has generated.

  • You will be able to view all the generated titles on the right-hand side of the page and if you do not like any of them you can click on generate more headlines and get a different set of titles.

  • On the left-hand side a search bar appears where you can continue to add words of your choice and the tool will generate headlines combining all the words you have entered.

  • Once you are satisfied with the headline and the score you can click on the headline score and the page redirects to headline analyser.

  • The headline analyser analyses the chosen headline and provides you with insights regarding the word’s strengths in the headline, and if they are positive, neutral, or negative.

  • You can use this tool 3 times in a day and by signing up you can unlock few features for free.

Hope that these tools help you and inspire you to write more. Share your writings and get published at our website We will be glad if you write to us!


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