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Writer's picturePrajwal KR

How to set goals that you will actually achieve.

Most people never understand what setting goals mean, and that's why they keep failing at it. Making a new year's resolution or deciding to hit the gym every day isn't exactly setting up a goal. Goal setting is a deliberate and clear process that begins with identifying a new goal, skill, or project that you wish to accomplish. Then you devise a strategy for achieving the goal and work to see it through.

Well, if you are looking for ways to set goals effectively, buddy, it's your lucky day! Read on to learn how to set goals.

1. Decide the outcome

It's just like cooking; based on what dish you want to make, you choose the recipe and ingredients. Take a deeper look at what you're attempting to accomplish and ask yourself the following questions before you create a goal:

· Is this a goal that you genuinely desire?

· Is it significant enough to devote hours of your time and effort to it?

It may not be worth pursuing if you are unwilling to put in the effort. If you aren't sure of what you want to follow to achieve, make a list of your top 10 goals and strike out the bottom 7, the top three are the ones that matter to you the most; that's why they come to your mind first.

2. Make your goals smart

Once you've decided what you really want, check to see if your objective fulfills the SMART criteria:

· Specific

· Measurable

· Attainable

· Realistic

· Time-bound

The most crucial aspect of SMART goal setting is to make your goal precise to measure your progress and determine whether or not you achieved your objective. The more precise your dream is, the more likely it is that you will achieve it.

Many individuals, for example, set weight-loss goals, but they don't necessarily specify how much weight they want to lose or when they want to reach their objective. So avoid setting vague goals and set ones that follow the SMART criteria.

3. Make a master plan

Many people set a goal but never put together an action plan to figure out how they'll get there. The objective you're aiming to achieve, as well as all the actions you'll need to take to get there, should be included in your master plan.

Look up plans on the internet or ask people who have already achieved what you want to do and consider their opinions while making a plan. Dig in and do your research; this helps you progress with efficiency and avoids distractions.

Don't be scared to go out of the box with your strategy. Using crayons, markers, or coloured pencils, and get creative. A well-designed and excellent-looking plan help stay inspired.

4. Deadlines matter

Use timelines as part of your action plan to help visualize responsibilities, tasks, milestones, and deadlines for achieving your objective. Once you've decided on a schedule, attempt to keep to it as much as possible. A deadline instills a sense of urgency, which pushes you to remain on track and complete your task.


Dream big, start small, but most of all, start.

– Simon Sinek

It's time to put your plans into action now that you've completed your planning. You didn't put all that effort simply to lose sight of your aim. Each step you take should lead to the next until you achieve your objective.

Setting goals allows you to achieve your objectives more quickly and efficiently. It has the potential to ignite your desire and assist you in attaining concrete achievements. This goal-setting method can assist you in determining how to establish clear, timely, and achievable goals.


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