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Writer's pictureNeha Mukunda

Sanskrit is Not Just a Language, But Everything the World Needs.

Sanskrit is Not Just a Language, But Everything the World Needs.

When we hear the word Sanskrit, the first thing that comes into people's minds is that it's the oldest language in the world, originated in India, used by pandits to recite shlokas, and a language where we can score more in exams. But is that all? Not!

Sanskrit is one of the ancient developed and powerful languages globally with no specified period of origin. It is called "THE ETERNAL" language "DEVABHASHA" (which means the language used by the gods) and so on the above names were given to Sanskrit because nobody was able to find the exact time or date of its origin, and scholars say that it existed from a very long time. Sanskrit was the communicative language which means people were communicating in Sanskrit with each other, but soon after the invasion of the British into India, they started teaching English to the people of India and made rules where people who were capable of reading, writing and speaking English were offered jobs and other opportunities. They made Sanskrit powerless by abolishing the gurukul system where everything was taught to students in the Sanskrit language; they replaced English with Sanskrit and started teaching English to students at school. English was practiced by Indians more than Sanskrit, which slowly led to less language usage.

Why Sanskrit is everything that the world needs? What's so great about it? Isn't it just a language like the others?

Yes, Sanskrit is a language, but it is unique; apart from all the other languages, Sanskrit has Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, shastras, kavyas, and subashithas, which are not found in any other languages. Vedas are like the orders given by the government which has to be followed by all the citizens of the country; hence they call it 'Prabhu Samhitha', Puranas contain advice that feels like it is being given by a friend, so scholars call it as 'Mitra Samhitha', while reading kavyas it is thought that the advises are given in a way how affectionately a wife gives advises to her husband and vice versa hence it is called 'Kantha Samhitha'. Apart from these, there are subjects like commerce, math, philosophy, astronomy, and so on, which are written in the Sanskrit language and have existed for a long time.

Nowadays the education system is in such a way that what students learn in schools and colleges is not related to the work they do in the future also it is like manufacturing of goods in a factory because students just go to schools and colleges to get certificates apart from that they are not learning any cultural or moral values. In the present day, students face problems like lack of patience, getting angry, and falling into depression, even for the smallest things. The solution to all these problems is given in the Vedas and Upanishads; also, it's written in the Panchatantra and hitopadesha. Back in the olden days, the gurukul system was followed. Every day, the students were made to recite all the Vedas and shastras, which increased their memory power, had a positive and calm attitude towards life, and knew how to face the problems.

Sanskrit as a language is not taken seriously by the students; they are just reading it for the marks without realizing its value and importance; if they show at least 5% of their interest in the language, they can see a great difference in their lives because if they recite the shlokas every day in the morning their entire day will be spent actively without laziness because it's proven that when people recite shlokas positive energy is being generated in them, hence they will be fully charged with positive energy. As mentioned in the above paragraphs in Sanskrit, we have commerce, math, science, social, economics and all the subjects which we are studying today which are written Sanskrit itself so if students are encouraged to learn all the subjects in Sanskrit itself it would be easier for them to understand the concepts and it would not be as difficult as it is right now because it's explained in a simpler way.

How Sanskrit Can Be Used for The Betterment of The World?

  • Panchatantra and Hitopadesha are not just storybooks for kids; it is written so that the moral lessons are conveyed through animals because it makes the kids get attracted to read them and grow up in a cultured mannered way.

  • As we all can see nowadays, be it the college students who are dating or married couples fight a lot and ask for a breakup or divorce when they can't solve the problems they are facing, how to understand each other and solve the issues together is beautifully written in our Vedas and puranas.

  • Mahabharata and Ramayana, the two great epics of India, tells us to follow the dharma no matter what happens "dharmo rakshathi rakshatha" the one who follows dharma he will always be protected by the dharma

  • Chanakya neethi, kautilya shasthra tells us how a king or leader should be and what qualities he should possess; all these are mentioned.

  • Personality development classes are being conducted to help people improve their personalities but instead, if we read the vedas all the matter required to change one's personality is given there hence one can also save money.

  • By reciting mantas and shlokas, the nerves get activated and generate positive energy, it also increases the memory power.

  • People who study Sanskrit will be able to speak confidently without feeling nervous. The person becomes more confident and will fear less and their selfishness will reduce.

  • The concept of 'ARDHANAREESHWARA', which is half man and half woman in one body, depicts that a man and a woman are not different but one, if people understand this matter, they will stop discriminating between a boy and a girl and the opportunities for the growth of women in all aspects will increase. There will be no dominant male society.

Where all Sanskrit is being used in the present-day life and what all is being done to learn Sanskrit

  • The court uses manusmruthi to give judgments.

  • Sanskrit is proven as the perfect language suitable for computers amongst all the other languages of the world

  • Big companies use Sanskrit for their slogans and names, for Eg: LUFTHANSA is the name of an airline but if we see the meaning of it 'LUFTHA' means invisible and 'HAMSA' means swan so if we put this together, it becomes LUFTHANSA which means invisible swan.

  • BNF was first published in 1949 whereas we can find the same book written by Panini Maharshi in the early age itself.

  • 'Shravana Purnima' the Sanskrit Day is being celebrated every year during the full moon day in the month of august it is done to commemorate the ancient language of Sanskrit and aims to promote its revival and maintenance.

  • Institutions like 'SAMSKRUTHA BHARATHI' are working on uplifting Sanskrit by conducting various programs. Recently they conducted a 10day program where people were taught to speak Sanskrit at the beginner's level.

  • Many foreign people are learning Sanskrit. In many countries, students are taught Sanskrit because it helps improve the pronunciation of words and increases memory power.

Sanskrit is the mother language of all the languages of the world and represents India, hence we being Indians should at least have little knowledge about it also it would be nice if people give the same importance which is being given to other languages. If whatever is told in the Vedas and Puranas is being followed by every individual in the country, it would definitely become a better place to live in.


Mr Twilight
Mr Twilight
Feb 05, 2022

Nice one ❤️

Keep on writing more and more ....

Way more to go ✌️❤️


Amrutha Gowda
Amrutha Gowda
Feb 01, 2022

This one is my favourite, worth reading it♥️🔥


Chaithra M gowda
Chaithra M gowda
Jan 31, 2022

I really enjoyed reading this ♥️ Love towards this language never ends from my side

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