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Writer's pictureRishiwanth Venkatesh

The Importance of Friends in our Life

“What is the most important thing in the World?”

Some would say family. Some would say Money. Most people would say good health. While all that is true, there is still one thing of pure significance that we seem to neglect, and that is none other than ‘Friendship.’ Since this topic is subjective, we are entitled to our own opinions of what matters more to us in this world. Most of us may have heard from our parents and relatives that “family is the most important thing in the world.” While we cannot agree more to that, we can never deny that friendship is an integral part of our lives.

We live in a progressive world where technology and artificial intelligence is bound to replace the sanctities of the human mind and life. Most of us tend to find solace and companionship with the same technology that slowly diminishes the essence of true friendship and even human interaction. However, deep down, we all know that friendship is what unlocks our potential to love, trust, thrive and find our true happiness and purposes in life. It is one of God’s greatest gifts that can never be taken away from us.

Speaking of friendship, it is the profound emotional and psychological bond that we create and develop with our friends. They can be of the same or different age, gender, color, community, and even species. We can share that special bond with animals as well. On the whole, it is a bond that exists beyond hatred, contempt, jealousy, and greed. You may have a deep and dark secret that you feel you cannot share with your family. But a good friend will listen and guide you through it without judging you. They are the kind of people you can confide in without any hesitation.

They always help us celebrate good times and provide support and motivation during our worst moments. Good friends increase our self-confidence and self-worth. They are those who openly accept us for who we are, and we can also be ourselves in their company. Moreover, if the mindset of the friends matches, the bond we have with them will get stronger with every passing year. They stand as the pillar of our strength, enabling us to achieve our true potential and helping us cope with traumas, such as job loss, serious illness, failure in any examinations, divorce, or the death of a loved one.


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